5 Tips for Rebuilding Your Social Life after Divorce

One of the things many recently separated or divorced people worry about is how their new relationship status will impact their social lives. Losing a marriage can mean giving up shared friendships or family bonds, which can be devastating for some people, compounding the emotional impact of the divorce.
Though it may seem like a daunting task, it is possible to rebuild your social life after a divorce. Here are 5 tips for getting back out there and fostering new relationships:
Let Yourself Mourn
Before you can begin to move forward, you have to learn to let go of the past. The end of a marriage is, in effect, a death – It’s the death of the life you thought you’d signed up for forever. Coming to terms with this loss is an important step toward healing and moving forward without anger, resentment, or fear, all of which can hold you back in your quest for growth.
If you feel the need to take some time, cry, and eat gallons of ice cream and takeout pizza following your divorce, do it. Allowing yourself the space to grieve what was and what can’t be again can provide a necessary opportunity for introspection and self-evaluation, allowing you to rebuild your life with a healthy mindset. [1]
Lean on Your Existing Social Network
Though it may not feel like it, you do have people in your life you can lean on during this difficult time. Thanks to social media, we are far more connected to former co-workers, friends from college, and that childhood neighbor than we ever have been before.
Chances are, someone in your social network has been through a similar situation as yourself, and may have some helpful perspective to offer. Sending a quick message acknowledging that person’s difficulties and connecting can breathe life into a long-ago friendship and may open you up to your new primary support person. [2]
Try New Things
Rebuilding your life after a divorce is a great time to try that new hobby that you never had the time for before, like ballroom dancing or kayaking. Join that book club you’ve seen fliers for, or dive into a cooking class. Even if you can’t get out and join a new activity in person, join some online forums or communities based around your interests.
Whether in-person or online, taking up a new hobby and getting involved in its surrounding community is a great way to meet new people. Even if you rarely – or never – see the people you meet in person, you are building new relationships based around a shared interest. [1]
Leverage Your Professional Network
Your professional network is good for more than just finding your next job. Attending networking events or reaching out to former colleagues with an offer to grab coffee can lead to more personal friendships.
Though you may have to be careful not to cross any boundaries in your individual workplace (Check your company’s employee handbook or consult your HR department if you’re unsure of the rules), building relationships at work can make your work life more pleasant which can lead to more overall life satisfaction. And, who knows? That networking event you attended could also lead to a great career opportunity down the line. [2]
Reignite an Old Passion
Before you got married or had kids, were you an avid runner? Did you sit down and knit up a storm, churning out handmade gifts for everyone on your list? Did you love to travel?
Taking up an old hobby or jumping back into an old interest circle can serve two benefits. You’ll get to enjoy doing something you used to love, and it can help widen your social circle. You may even run into people with whom you used to be close, but the relationship fizzled once you gave up the hobby.
Dedicated Divorce Representation in the Baltimore Metro Area
At the Law Offices of Sandra Guzman-Salvado, we understand that divorce presents a great deal of emotional turmoil for our clients. Our team has years of experience working hand in hand with people at all stages of the divorce process, advocating always for their best interests. Contact us today for your free consultation.
[1] “Life After Divorce: 12 Ways to Rebuild Your Life,” Everyday Health.
[2] “How to Rebuild Your Social Circle After a Split,” Psychology Today.