My Spouse and I Agree on Everything in Our Divorce. Do I Still Need a Lawyer?

You and your spouse have come to the conclusion that you’re better off getting a divorce. Even through all the uncertainty and stress, you’ve been able to talk through the points that need deciding during your divorce, including child custody, child support, alimony, division of property, and who gets the house.
The way things look right now, you agree on everything. It looks like smooth sailing as you navigate toward the signing of the final papers.
Since you agree on everything, you may wonder: Do I really need to spend the money on hiring an attorney?
First, we want to let you know that it’s fantastic that you and your spouse have agreed on everything so far. You’ve been able to put things aside and work toward the best possible solution for your children and yourselves going forward. The work you’ve done so far absolutely should not be discounted. [1]
However, just because you agree on everything does not mean you don’t need an attorney.
In fact, it’s quite the opposite. Because you and your spouse aren’t lawyers, you cannot possibly know everything the law requires and you may be leaving out deciding on something crucial. There are lots of things in divorce papers that need to be laid out and divided up, and it’s difficult to remember everything. An attorney can guide you through the process, making sure you cover all the necessary details so you won’t be surprised at the 11th hour by something that needs a decision. [2]
Additionally, it’s possible you or your spouse has agreed to something that’s not technically legal. Maybe you’ve agreed to an amount of child support that’s far over or under the state guidelines. Or you’ve left out dividing an asset that needs to be divided before the divorce can be finalized. An experienced lawyer can look at what you’ve decided so far and let you know what will pass a judge’s scrutiny and what won’t. [2]
Just because you retain a lawyer doesn’t mean things have to get acrimonious or drag out forever. A good attorney will respect your wishes and do the best to maintain any agreements that have already been made, hopefully preserving your working relationship with your spouse in the process. [1]
If nothing else, hiring an attorney can give you peace of mind that the document you take before a judge when finalizing your divorce will be complete and legal. Knowing that allows you to face the rest of the life changes that come with your divorce – moving, finding a job, dividing time with your children – head-on and with confidence that you and your family are set up for the best possible outcome.
Experienced Legal Representation for Divorce & Child Custody in Montgomery County, MD
Let the skilled divorce attorneys at the Law Offices of Sandra Guzman-Salvado guide you through the trying process of divorce. Whether you and your spouse agree on everything or you have some issues that need an experienced hand, our team can work with you to get the resolution you deserve. Schedule your free consultation today!
[1] Guillen, Lina, “Divorce: Do You Need an Attorney?”
[2] “Do You Need a Divorce Lawyer?” Findlaw.